This index provides a comprehensive record of all the images in The page on which each appears, together with information about the species, is accessible by being clicked. All images, text and php files on the website are the intellectual property of Jeremy Early and copyrighted under the Design and Patents Act 1988. Other than for the private purpose of the user, no image, php file or design feature may be stored in a retrieval system, copied or reproduced in any form, published in any way or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, recording or otherwise, without the full prior permission of Jeremy Early. Any use of them without this consent is illegal under UK and international copyright laws and treaties. For legal use, including purchase, please see the Sales page. "Few if any of the current headline-grabbing proposals on climate change combine a grand global view with doing anything to minimise the powerful threats to our environment that exist in the here and now" COAST |